ISPT enters renewable energy Power Purchase Agreement

ISPT has entered into a second Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to power properties in NSW and ACT with renewable energy generated off-site.

Starting in July 2021, nearly 24 GWh of electricity per year will be supplied from the Bodangora wind farm in NSW. The agreement will reduce greenhouse gas pollution by 16,000 tonnes a year in NSW, comparable to taking 3,700 cars off the road every year.

PPAs are key to ISPT’s carbon strategy

ISPT’s five-step carbon strategy seeks to reduce reliance on fossil fuels with a target of being 100% powered by renewable energy by 2025. PPAs are an effective way to meet sustainability goals and show support for Australia’s pipeline of renewable projects.

Alicia Maynard, General Manager Sustainability & Technical Services said,

“ISPT takes our commitment to responsible investment seriously. We’ve secured a long-term electricity contract that delivers value for our investors while reducing carbon emissions and supporting Bodangora wind farm. Each agreement helps us learn more and can assist us with our longer term goal of expanding the procurement of renewable energy to other states across our portfolio.”

View the full list of participating properties here.