ISPT takes a fresh look at the future of work

Artist's impression of Pathway Place, Canberra
As workplace flexibility evolves, so does ISPT’s approach to placemaking. We’re embarking on new ways of co-creating with our customer partners to bring teams together, drive connection, emphasise purpose and help refocus on collective goals.
Lifestyle working
ISPT has always created tailored experiences for our precinct’s communities, but we’re expanding our focus to empower companies and teams to be their best. We’re redesigning the workplace to enhance culture and relationships, retain talent and regenerate innovation – placing flexibility at the core. Tomorrow’s workspace facilitates social connection and experiences as much as it provides beautiful space to work, giving people more agency over their work lives and better integration of work and personal aspirations. We call this lifestyle working.
Letitia Hope, our Workplace Partnership Manager, spoke recently to The Mandarin about ISPT’s role in the future of the workplace
“Through our research and conversations with CEO’s, we know that a physical workplace is important for achieving strategic objectives and resonating with a company’s mission and values and we’re working with our tenant partners to meet those needs in new and interesting ways. But it’s also about providing social connection and a fully flexible community experience beyond the 9 to 5. Over the last few years people found an organic balance between their work, personal and health priorities and they don’t want to let that go. Lifestyle working recognises that they don’t have to.”
For ISPT, people are at the heart of everything we do – in place, in space and through experience. When we can offer our communities a richer integration of work and personal lives, we allow people to flourish and companies to thrive.