Our Governance

ISPT’s Governance Structure


ISPT’s Board has the ultimate responsibility for the sound and prudent management of ISPT and its business operations. The Board, where relevant, is supported in its function by various committees.


The primary responsibility for ESG also rests with the Board, including approving our ESG Strategy, objectives and targets and reviewing our progress each quarter. The Board has delegated oversight of the design and implementation of ISPT’s Responsible Investment Policy and monitoring its overall effectiveness to the Board’s Audit, Risk, and Compliance Committee (ARCC).


ISPT maintain a ‘do no harm’ investment and operating philosophy and responsible investing principles are embedded throughout our business. We have a number of formal policies to outline our commitments and ensure we comply with our legislative obligations, while also upholding the ISPT DNA. These include:


Human Rights Policy

We act ethically and responsibly and our formal Human Rights policy outlines our commitment to upholding internationally-recognised human rights standards. Our policy embeds human rights principles within our operations and ensure the values of our business partners and suppliers are aligned. Read more here. 


ISPT Code of Conduct

We’re committed to conducting business with honesty, integrity and trust. We treat everyone we work with, internally and externally, with dignity and respect. Our formal Code of Conduct reflects our values and provides our team with guiding principles to help make day-to-day decisions, whether at work, on work-related business, or otherwise representing ISPT. Read more here.


Supplier Code of Conduct

We view our suppliers as business partners and we’re aware that their practises and behaviours can have an impact on our business and reputation. It’s important to ISPT that our suppliers share the same beliefs around responsible supply chain management that we do and our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines these expectations. Read our policy here.


Whistleblower Policy

A culture of openness and accountability is essential to working at ISPT.  Our formal Whistleblower policy defines a process for reporting any illegal, corrupt or unethical conduct and ensures that anyone who reports such conduct is not victimised as a result.  Read more here.


Fraud Policy

ISPT is committed to preventing, detecting and responding appropriately to any dishonest, fraudulent, collusive and or corrupt behaviour. Our formal policy establishes these guidelines and commitments. Read more here.


ISPT’s Corporate Document Verification Process

We’re committed to producing high quality, informative corporate reports and other documents for disclosure to Investors and the public. To help meet this standard ISPT has a process for the formal verification of content in reports that are not audited or reviewed by an external auditor. Read more here.

Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA)

In accordance with the requirements of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Act), ISPT’s annual WGEA reports can be found below.

2023 ISPT WGEA Employer Statement

2024 ISPT WGEA Employer Statement